Hello, It's Nice To Meet You

Hello, It's Nice To Meet You

Tuesday, 31 December 2024


记录记录 I’m really glad I found you in this crazy world❤️ Just now when we were talking about inside out I really don’t know what came over me…. I think I was just too used to having my guard up all the time and you’re the only one I feel like I can be vulnerable with🥹 I’m glad that you shared your life experiences with me too, I can’t imagine how painful it must be to bring some of them up again… No matter what I’ll be here to hold you if you cry🤗 I promise that I’ll do everything I can to make us the better version of ourselves, and to make you feel like the luckiest girl in the whole world🥰 Thank you for being in my life Ms Sunshine☀️ ..... Omg you know when I listen to this song I’m reminded of our very first date at marina barrage🫶🏻 To me that was really an enchanting experience✨ Sitting together enjoying some good food, talking about everything in the universe, with the 毛毛雨 gently patting our faces and the city lights sparkling in the distance🥰 ...... You knowwww, I told my mum about us…. Then she scold me for not telling her earlier so she could get you something nice from japan😝 you see you see, she already taking ur side🤣 ..... Please don’t say you’re being naggy all that! I really love listening and reading your stories, I also get to learn more about you☺️ One thing I really love about you is that you have a deep appreciation for life, it really is an inspiration to me❤️ ..... Actually I’m very similar! On the surface I’m a very bubbly person, always with a smile on my face, I’m happiest when the people around me are happy too! But beneath it all I’ve struggled with self-doubt at times… The worst episode was in my 2nd year of uni, it got pretty bad and I was in a pretty bad state mentally… I didn’t even tell Mervin this, but I wanted to drop out of school… the person that saved me is my little gabby🥹 He would study with me, come my room and accompany me, and all these little things gave me strength to push on💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 We all have our inner demons, and we need that special someone to help us overcome them.… I’m so lucky that I’ve found someone that has made my life sooooo much brighter, and gives me confidence to face whatever challenge life throws at me… Thank you too love❤️ I’m really happy that you took a step forward today☺️ 一步一步来, next time you go back I’ll be there with you to hold ur hand😊 ... Yessss, I would still wanna meet your family, even though the first time can be nerve-wrecking! But I think I’d be more excited than nervous becauseeee I get to meet the people who are dearest to you❤️ .... This Mr Lucky is also very very very lucky to have met his miss sunshine🥰 I wanna make the same promise to you, if you ever feel like the love from me is getting smaller, please tell me and I will make it big big big big big again🤗 Love you lotsss too my Miss Sunshine❤️ ..... Literally a long weeek and happening week, and I found a reason that my time gonna be not enough to use liaooo :) buttttt is a newwwww life practise again, learning on how to live as two. 💕 my heart nowwww need to juggleee two of ours heart 💓 mind 🧠 it’s a lovely habit to built up, I wanna make it become my new muscle memory again 🍀 Good thing about us, we just alike. Nowwww just need to do a good merging 😜 hahaaa, lets 携手合作,互相学习🌟 ..... I’m just so happy that come across with you. Anddddd thank you for opening uppppp for me tonight :) I loveee how shy you were… I suddenly become a dajiejie that kind. Hahaaaa Immmm totally not much experience on thissss but I guess with the right person I will notttt feeeeeeel any awkward. Insteaddddd we try it out and makeee it better each time! U saidddd ur heartbeat gooo crazy.. u must rmb the feelingssss can.. I wanna us even get old tillll in white hairs.. I wanna u still having this 心动的感觉 for me. That’s keep us going on. You never knowww met a right situation means how important to the person too. 💓💕 Love you small atoms ⚛️ ..... I love this! You know how I told you certain songs will bring me back to certain stages in my life, I’m looking through the playlist and these songs will forever make me think about meeting and falling in love with you🥹🥹🥹 ..... I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me too loveeee~ I knowww I’m new to alot of things in this area, but I really wanna make you feel like the happiest girl on this planet🤗 Soooo…. don’t need to long anymore loveee, my heart is already yours, forever and always❤️ ..... Is WE become the better version of ourself by discovering the strength and weakness on each others :) SO WE are influence each other. Youuu areeeee not doing for meeeeee 💕💕💕 .... I interpret it as a song about love at first sight! It reminds me of you love🥰 第一次见到你, 看着你坐在风景的最中央,雨滴轻轻亲吻你的脸颊,乌云下跑开一束光,打在你闪耀的眼眶🌤️ 跟你在星星下一起分享美好的回忆,我的心微微漾, 就这样你识破了这一颗悸动心脏💓💓💓 ....

love languages

记录记录 I’m really glad I found you in this crazy world❤️ Just now when we were talking about inside out I really don’t know what came over me…. I think I was just too used to having my guard up all the time and you’re the only one I feel like I can be vulnerable with🥹 I’m glad that you shared your life experiences with me too, I can’t imagine how painful it must be to bring some of them up again… No matter what I’ll be here to hold you if you cry🤗 I promise that I’ll do everything I can to make us the better version of ourselves, and to make you feel like the luckiest girl in the whole world🥰 Thank you for being in my life Ms Sunshine☀️ ..... Omg you know when I listen to this song I’m reminded of our very first date at marina barrage🫶🏻 To me that was really an enchanting experience✨ Sitting together enjoying some good food, talking about everything in the universe, with the 毛毛雨 gently patting our faces and the city lights sparkling in the distance🥰 ...... You knowwww, I told my mum about us…. Then she scold me for not telling her earlier so she could get you something nice from japan😝 you see you see, she already taking ur side🤣 ..... Please don’t say you’re being naggy all that! I really love listening and reading your stories, I also get to learn more about you☺️ One thing I really love about you is that you have a deep appreciation for life, it really is an inspiration to me❤️ ..... Actually I’m very similar! On the surface I’m a very bubbly person, always with a smile on my face, I’m happiest when the people around me are happy too! But beneath it all I’ve struggled with self-doubt at times… The worst episode was in my 2nd year of uni, it got pretty bad and I was in a pretty bad state mentally… I didn’t even tell Mervin this, but I wanted to drop out of school… the person that saved me is my little gabby🥹 He would study with me, come my room and accompany me, and all these little things gave me strength to push on💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 We all have our inner demons, and we need that special someone to help us overcome them.… I’m so lucky that I’ve found someone that has made my life sooooo much brighter, and gives me confidence to face whatever challenge life throws at me… Thank you too love❤️ I’m really happy that you took a step forward today☺️ 一步一步来, next time you go back I’ll be there with you to hold ur hand😊 ... Yessss, I would still wanna meet your family, even though the first time can be nerve-wrecking! But I think I’d be more excited than nervous becauseeee I get to meet the people who are dearest to you❤️ .... This Mr Lucky is also very very very lucky to have met his miss sunshine🥰 I wanna make the same promise to you, if you ever feel like the love from me is getting smaller, please tell me and I will make it big big big big big again🤗 Love you lotsss too my Miss Sunshine❤️ ..... Literally a long weeek and happening week, and I found a reason that my time gonna be not enough to use liaooo :) buttttt is a newwwww life practise again, learning on how to live as two. 💕 my heart nowwww need to juggleee two of ours heart 💓 mind 🧠 it’s a lovely habit to built up, I wanna make it become my new muscle memory again 🍀 Good thing about us, we just alike. Nowwww just need to do a good merging 😜 hahaaa, lets 携手合作,互相学习🌟 ..... I’m just so happy that come across with you. Anddddd thank you for opening uppppp for me tonight :) I loveee how shy you were… I suddenly become a dajiejie that kind. Hahaaaa Immmm totally not much experience on thissss but I guess with the right person I will notttt feeeeeeel any awkward. Insteaddddd we try it out and makeee it better each time! U saidddd ur heartbeat gooo crazy.. u must rmb the feelingssss can.. I wanna us even get old tillll in white hairs.. I wanna u still having this 心动的感觉 for me. That’s keep us going on. I love tonight. That our two hearts get closer. I love you more. I love to whisper surround you. I love you will just look me into ur eyes full of shines. Love you my loveeeee Anddddd yes don’t ever try to reply meeeee! Get sleep safe and sound 💕 ...... Love you more each day, my sunshine. Every time I hold your hand, or feel your warm embrace, I feel like I’m the luckiest guy alive🍀 I’m glad we took a step forward today💓 My heart only beats for you, forever and always. I love you❤️ Sweet dreams~ ...... in this universe I always feel like Faith and meant to be. You rmb I told you about Faith existing but also depend on how much effort you grabbing the chance. I truly believe that universe existing with everything possibilities. That why I love life full of imaginations Where today the exhibition really meant so much for me. You dare to think. It’s possible to happen, becoz if the longing. I always feel everyone is equals. I used to feel like we shall treat everyone from 100% score. If anything go wrong only slowly deducted the mark. But lots of ppl will say u should have a basic scores.. if better then add point if worse then deduct the person point. But actually I really feel like everyone under the universe well deserve with an equivalent treat at the first sight. No judgement.. no hesitation. Eveyrthing get decided again by howww the person’s interaction and behave. You never knowww met a right situation means how important to the person too. 💓💕 Love you small atoms ⚛️ ..... I love this! You know how I told you certain songs will bring me back to certain stages in my life, I’m looking through the playlist and these songs will forever make me think about meeting and falling in love with you🥹🥹🥹 ..... I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me too loveeee~ I knowww I’m new to alot of things in this area, but I really wanna make you feel like the happiest girl on this planet🤗 Soooo…. don’t need to long anymore loveee, my heart is already yours, forever and always❤️ ..... Is WE become the better version of ourself by discovering the strength and weakness on each others :) SO WE are influence each other. Youuu areeeee not doing for meeeeee 💕💕💕 .... I interpret it as a song about love at first sight! It reminds me of you love🥰 第一次见到你, 看着你坐在风景的最中央,雨滴轻轻亲吻你的脸颊,乌云下跑开一束光,打在你闪耀的眼眶🌤️ 跟你在星星下一起分享美好的回忆,我的心微微漾, 就这样你识破了这一颗悸动心脏💓💓💓 ....

Friday, 6 December 2024






17/11/24 (日) 


我很感恩遇见了,待人如待己的你。 第一天的真诚,我暖暖的收在我的记忆里。 




27/11/24 (三)


那一天的我,稍微的害羞了。 因为你的大方得体,你的傻傻的害羞很可爱。 




3/12/24 (二)



你搭着我的肩,我只希望你可以不松手的就握着我。 微暗的灯光下,多希望我可以凝视着你。





